(Top, LAMade; Skirt, BB Dakota; Scarf, Antrhopologie; Necklace, store in Little Tokyo)

I just got my tripod in the mail! I'm still playing around with it so most of the pictures didn't come out great, but here are a couple of them that came out ok.
Took these on one of the sunnier days this past week. Even though it's spring time, Los Angeles is still a bit chilly. I wore this outfit till around 4pm and had to add a thick jacket once the sun went down.
There are a lot of talk about adding spring brights, most notably with the multi-colored Equipment blouses. In my opinion, spending over $200 on a bring color blouse aren't the best use of my money, especially with a vibrant and memorable color (they are not the most versatile because they stand out so much). I'd much rather spend my money on a bright accessory: a scarf (like the one here, fresh off the racks from Anthropologie), a purse or some bright shoes that can dress up any outfit and won't go out of style quickly.
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